In the current "Week of Training" (15-19 March 2021), the attractiveness and topicality of vocational education and training is being emphasised. It fits in with this that the Board of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) has agreed on new standard occupational profile positions. These will be included as mandatory in all newly regulated training occupations in the dual system from August 2021. This means that digitalisation and sustainability will now also be among the competences to be taught across all occupations. For all dual training occupations regulated under the Vocational Training Act or Crafts Code prior to 2021, the new standards have the character of recommendations.
"Digitalised world of work", "Environmental protection and sustainability", "Safety and health at work" and "Organisation of the training company, vocational training, labour law and collective bargaining law" - these are the modernised "standard occupational profile items" that will be included as mandatory in all newly regulated training occupations in the dual system from August 2021. They replace the previous standards, which were developed at the end of the 1990s.
Standard occupational profile items" are skills, knowledge and abilities that are to be taught in an integrative manner and are identical for all training occupations. They ensure that all trainees acquire certain competences across all occupations which they need in a changing world of work, irrespective of the respective sector. The contents are taught throughout the training period together with the occupation-specific technical knowledge and are also the subject of the examinations.
The aspects relating to digitalisation and sustainability have been newly added. The objectives here include, among other things, the safe handling of one's own and company-related data of third parties and the ability to research, check and evaluate information in digital networks. The forward-looking use of resources in one's own working environment - taking into account economic, ecological and social aspects - is also one of the new requirements.
In order to support the introduction of the new content in companies, BIBB is making an explanation with practical examples available to all interested parties.
All info at: https: //