October 2019
Want to know how employers create good work - every day, whether you're a big company or a family-run small business? We'll tell you in this brochure - along with plenty of facts and figures, real-life examples, specials and an exclusive interview.
August 2019
The world of business and work is undergoing a profound, sometimes disruptive, phase of transformation. This transformation is driven by the strong interconnectedness of large economies in a globalised, highly labour-divided and increasingly digitalised economy. This will change the way we live as well as the way we work.
March 2017
The digital transformation is fundamentally changing the economy, the world of work and society. Progressive automation, the use of artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things and online platforms are already massively changing the way we live and work.
March 2017
Employers outline their vision of a modern and sustainable education system. The federal structures in Germany mean unity and diversity and are therefore not a licence for divisive small-scale nationalism in education: diversity wherever possible, but unity wherever necessary. The BDA therefore calls for a joint education strategy by the Federal Government, the Länder and the local authorities.