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29. March 2022

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What the traffic lights need to tackle now

9. December 2021

EU directive proposal to improve working conditions in platform work interferes significantly with national labour law

Commenting on the EU directive proposal to improve working conditions in platform work, BDA Managing Director Steffen Kampeter said...
9. December 2021

The catch-up factor is a contribution to intergenerational justice

On the subject of the catch-up factor in pensions, BDA Chief Executive Steffen Kampeter explains...
8. December 2021

Congratulations to Olaf Scholz on his election as Federal Chancellor

Commenting on today's election of Olaf Scholz as the next Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, Employer President Dr. Rainer Dulger...
6. December 2021

The right of nomination for the Executive Board of the Federal Employment Agency lies with the Administrative Council

Commenting on the reports in several media on a possible successor to the Chairman of the Board of the Federal Employment Agency, the BDA...
2. December 2021

We need a policy driven by reason and not panic

The President of the Employers' Association, Dr. Rainer Dulger, commented on today's decision by the federal and state governments...