Training market: Best chances for applicants despite Corona!
Employers are not wavering in their commitment to training. Right now, skilled workers, as the heart of every company, are an important engine for the economic upswing despite and after Corona. There are currently around 5 training offers for every 4 applicants. The training companies are looking forward to the new training year and will do everything to ensure the common learning success. We cannot and will not afford to lose training opportunities because of Corona.
Rainer Dulger, President of the BDA

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Despite the crisis, companies' commitment to training remains at a high level. In 2020, the number of unfilled training places exceeded the number of applicants registered as unsupplied with the employment agencies and job centres for the eleventh time in a row, and this will be the case again in 2021. To master the way out of the crisis, companies need young trainees more urgently than ever before.
Companies continue to train despite the crisis
The situation on the training market continues to be strongly influenced by the consequences of the pandemic. Since the beginning of the 2020/21 guidance year (as of July 2021), the number of registered applicants in particular has declined significantly compared to the same period last year (-7.9%). The number of training places registered, however, is now only slightly below the level of the previous year (-2.9%). The decline on the applicant side can be explained in particular by the fact that the opportunities for vocational guidance, e.g. via contacts at school, were and in some cases still are limited and cannot be completely replaced by digital offerings. The chances and opportunities for young people to find a training place, on the other hand, are very good. There are currently around five training places on offer for every four applicants. With an arithmetical ratio of 1.2 training places per applicant, the chances of young people finding a training place are even better than in the previous year (1.14).
Training place guarantee does not solve challenges on the training market
For several years there has been a clear surplus of in-company training places. The available places for extra-company training are also regularly under-utilised. This shows that there is no supply problem for young people that could be solved by a "guarantee", as demanded by the DGB for example, and more extra-company training. Instead of decoupling the training market from the labour market in this way, the real challenge on the training market needs to be mastered: Young people need guidance in placement and information about the outstanding future prospects of in-company training. Around nine out of ten trainees receive an offer of employment from their training company after passing their examination. We encourage school leavers to take the initiative on their own behalf, to use the BA's careers advice service(#ausbildungklarmachen: Sichere dir den Ausbildungsplatz, der zu dir passt - Bundesagentur für Arbeit ( and to apply for appropriate training opportunities!
BDA is involved in the Alliance for Training and Further Education
In August 2019, the Federal Government, business, trade unions and the Länder concluded the "Alliance for Initial and Continuing Training" for the years 2019-2021, thus further developing the previous training alliance (2015-2018) with new emphases. Together with the other Alliance partners, the BDA is committed to reliable vocational training even in times of Corona. In a joint declaration, the alliance partners have agreed on joint efforts to provide appropriate and targeted support to training companies and trainees during the crisis. The agreed measures include drawing attention to the currently very good opportunities on the training market as part of a "Summer of Vocational Training" and promoting dual training.
The BDA is extensively involved in the "Summer of Vocational Training
With the support of the BA, the BDA has taken over the sponsorship of the "Week of Parental Work in Vocational Orientation". The ambassador was Christina Ramb, member of the main management. From 5 to 9 July 2021, daily webinars of the SCHULEWIRTSCHAFT Deutschland network took place at the BDA with a daily changing focus on the topic of parental work. The spectrum ranged from practical checklists and good company examples to interesting facts and arguments from surveys and polls. With around 1,500 participants, companies and parents were successfully made aware of the important role they play in young people's choice of career and offered concrete practical help. In August, the BDA actively supported the Federal Employment Agency (BA) in the theme week "Your region offers you exciting occupations and training - get to know them in the company". During a joint company visit by Christina Ramb and BA board member Detlef Scheele, the message was: with an apprenticeship, companies offer young people the best opportunities to get off to a successful start in their careers. Until the end of the "Summer of Vocational Training", the BDA will continue its commitment together with its member associations and companies in order to attract as many young people as possible to dual training.
Targeted support for training in the crisis
The federal programme "Securing training places" recognises the training performance of small and medium-sized enterprises in the current difficult economic situation. However, it is the companies' responsibility and in their own interest to continue providing training, even in times of crisis. The funding programme can therefore only provide an additional incentive to provide training and cushion current emergencies. Both lines of the federal programme have been further developed several times and numerous demands of the BDA have been taken up in the process, including the extension of funding to companies with up to 499 employees or the funding of trainer remuneration when trainees and trainers are exempted from short-time work. However, this does not go far enough. The first line of support must be further adapted and opened up to companies of all sizes. After all, even large companies have been hit hard by the effects of the Corona pandemic. The directive on contract and joint training in particular falls short of expectations. Since the start of the directive, only 25 cases of support for contract and joint training have been approved.