Launch of the campaign
"Work keeps us busy. The BDA."

Everything is new in November: In addition to the election and inauguration of the new Employers' President Dr. Rainer Dulger, today's focus was on the launch of the new social media campaign "Arbeit beschäftigt uns. The BDA" was the focus of the general meeting.
"Social responsibility" is the campaign's leitmotif and has been a central concern of the Confederation of German Employers' Associations since its inception. We want to show what the BDA member associations and the companies that support them are concerned with every day: Giving good work. With videos, tiles on core topics and guest contributions, the campaign picks up on the BDA's core content issues and highlights the role of employers as social partners. Social market economy is not an empty concept, but something that is lived by companies and employees. Also and especially in the crisis. Because employers and employees have much more in common than separates them.
Our opening message in the video is therefore: work is not just about earning an income, but much more than that: it provides meaning, gives stability. Employers not only provide work, they shape the working world of tomorrow.
To increase the effectiveness of the campaign, we welcome likes and retweets from member associations! Let's make "work keeps us busy" a joint success!