Our values
The BDA promotes the values underlying the social market economy: Freedom and responsibility, subsidiarity and solidarity. Fundamental values must be taught above all in the family and at school, but the business world also acknowledges its responsibility: values must be exemplified in companies in a credible and lasting manner.
Many companies have adopted guidelines that promote an ethical corporate culture. One example is the "Guiding Principles for Responsible Business", moderated by the Wittenberg Center for Global Ethics, which has since been signed by many companies and organizations, including the BDA.

Freedom and Responsibility,
Subsidiarity and Solidarity
Our Responsibility
The companies we represent are aware of their responsibility to their employees and to society. In order to fulfil this responsibility, companies must be able to operate successfully, compete internationally and make a profit. Only a company that makes a profit and is successful on the market can create jobs for citizens and thus contribute to the sustainable development of our community. Over-regulation deprives companies of the necessary scope for decision-making, and this is also to the detriment of employees. It is therefore important to have more openness and understanding for the role and tasks of companies - we are also campaigning for this.

The economy is part
of society
Our social commitment
Companies have a fundamental interest in a politically stable and strong society in which they can find well-trained employees, infrastructure, capital, business partners, customers and reliable framework conditions. They are involved in a variety of social and civic activities out of the conviction that the future and well-being of the state, the economy and society are closely linked and that, as part of society, they must make their contribution to stability and social peace.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) describes the social commitment of companies beyond legal regulations. Companies bear a high degree of responsibility for the environment and society at home and abroad. For example, they support their employees with company kindergartens and health campaigns, reduce energy consumption with eco-efficiency analyses and energy-saving systems, and promote art, culture and sport. In the international context, for example, they are committed to ensuring standards in the supply chain, in the area of health protection and HIV prevention, and support the fight against child labor and corruption.