Corona presents daunting challenges to all.

Working life is particularly affected. The BDA has compiled important information for companies on how to deal with Corona, which we keep up to date.

Employers take responsibility in the crisis

Businesses have invested heavily in hygiene measures to protect their workforces and keep their economies running. We employers are taking responsibility in this crisis and making a significant contribution to public health.

More detailed information is available to our members:

20. December 2023


13. December 2023

There is still a lot of work to be done in 2024

Employers' President Dr. Rainer Dulger comments on today's agreement on the 2024 federal budget...
7. December 2023

The new telephone sick note is a failure of healthcare policy

Chief Executive Steffen Kampeter explains the extension of the option to take sick leave by telephone...
5. December 2023

We need an almost revolutionary new start in our education system

Employers' President Dr. Rainer Dulger comments on the PISA study presented today...
30. November 2023

Germany must become the first choice for domestic and foreign skilled workers

Employer President Dr. Rainer Dulger comments on the current labour market figures...
20. November 2023

With the job turbo, we are now getting refugees into work

BDA Managing Director Steffen Kampeter comments on the DGB campaign for more collective bargaining protection...