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10. June 2024

Hope for a stable democratic majority – European policy change must also be accompanied by a national economic turnaround

Employers' President Dr. Rainer Dulger comments on the results of the European elections on 9 June 2024...
4. June 2024

No further interventions in the contribution fund

Employer President Dr. Rainer Dulger comments on the current labour market figures...
3. June 2024

Joint appeal by the German business community for the 2024 European elections

The European Union is of central importance for German companies and their employees. It is our economic and social home. It is our home market...
24. May 2024

EU must focus on strategic competitiveness

Commenting on today's vote in the EU Council on the EU Value Chain Directive (CSDDD), the Confederation of German Employers' Associations (BDA)....
22. May 2024

Happy Birthday Basic Law!

Joint BDA and DGB statement on 75 years of the Basic Law: The social partners are part of the Basic Law in a special way...
14. May 2024

If anyone is breaking a taboo, it is the Federal Chancellor

Employers' President Dulger on Chancellor Scholz's comments on the minimum wage: If anyone is breaking a taboo, it's the Chancellor....