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16. December 2020

Employer President Dulger agrees with Economics Minister Altmaier on close coordination for economic recovery after Corona pandemic

Both agreed that it is important to set the right framework conditions now for the competitiveness of the German economy.
15. December 2020

Joint appeal by employers’ president Rainer Dulger and DGB chairman Reiner Hoffmann: Secure the future through training today!

The training year has already started but there are still open training places and young people who are still looking for a place.
15. December 2020

The minimum wage is becoming a political pawn in the upcoming election year

On the occasion of the evaluation of the minimum wage published by the BMAS, Steffen Kampeter explains: No reason for political interference and intervention in the decision-making of the Minimum Wage Commission
8. December 2020

Should Covid’s restrictions weaken, so must government care

"When the need is over, it must be back to saving" says Steffen Kampeter in the SWR Tagesgespräch and demands from the federal government an exit strategy from the Corona aid.
4. December 2020

Christina Ramb new member of the sdw Board of Directors

As a new member of the BDA Executive Board, she also succeeds Peter Clever on the sdw Board.
3. December 2020

Inclusion Award for Business 2021

Companies can apply as of now