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20. November 2023

With the job turbo, we are now getting refugees into work

BDA Managing Director Steffen Kampeter comments on the DGB campaign for more collective bargaining protection...
7. November 2023

European Parliament overburdens German companies

Commenting on the vote in the European Parliament's Legal Affairs Committee on the EU Value Chain Directive (CSDD), BDA Managing Director Steffen Kampeter...
7. November 2023

The economy lacks almost 286,000 workers in the STEM sector

The labor shortage in the STEM sector remains at a high level despite the economic slowdown The STEM gap will reach 285,800 in September 2023 - 15.5 percent below the record level of the previous year...
2. November 2023

Supply significantly higher than demand – training opportunities for young people guaranteed

Employer President Dr. Rainer Dulger comments on today's assessment of the training market....
13. January 2023

Corona is part of our new normality

BDA Managing Director Steffen Kampeter comments on the changed quarantine rules and the ever-decreasing mask requirements in local and long-distance transport...
23. November 2022

MINT Autumn Report

The "MINT Autumn Report" study shows that the labor shortage in the MINT sector (mathematics, IT, natural sciences, technology) remains at a high level despite the war in Ukraine and the associated economic slowdown.