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23. February 2021

Steffen Kampeter: Putting churches under pressure shows bad style

Commenting on the pressure exerted by politicians on church institutions to pave the way for a state-administered collective agreement, Chief Executive Steffen Kampeter...
18. February 2021

Chief executive Steffen Kampeter: Coercion and duress do not belong in tariff autonomy

Commenting on Federal Labour Minister Heil's repeated interference in the autonomy of collective bargaining in the field of nursing care, Chief Executive Steffen Kampeter said ...
16. February 2021

Regular talks with the government are the right thing to do, but they are no substitute for coordinated action with the social partners.

Following the economic summit with Federal Minister Altmaier, Employers' President Dr. Rainer Dulger...
16. February 2021

Open borders in the Schengen area must not be abolished unilaterally

Commenting on the discussion of German border controls with Austria and the Czech Republic, the Confederation of German Employers' Associations...
15. February 2021

Employer President Dulger and DGB President Hoffmann: Involve social partners in the elaboration of an opening strategy

Joint statement by Employers' President Dr. Rainer Dulger and DGB Chairman Reiner Hoffmann on the discussion on an opening strategy and a post-Corona strategy
12. February 2021

Protecting human rights – avoiding bureaucracy – taking the moratorium on burdens seriously

Commenting on today's agreement on a draft bill for a Due Diligence Act, Employer President Dulger said...