Doing everything possible to bring the pandemic to an end

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A possible end date for the pandemic gives every entrepreneurial plan for the future a new perspective. Now the government must do everything it can to ensure that as many people as possible can be vaccinated as quickly as possible so that we can quickly put the crisis behind us and get the economy back on track.
Vaccine approval is a ray of hope and testifies to innovative strength
The approval of BioNTech's vaccine was a real ray of hope and gives a perspective on the end of the pandemic. We are proud that the first properly approved vaccine in Europe comes from Germany. The fact that it was possible to start vaccinating in Germany as early as December is due in particular to the innovative spirit and willingness to take risks of the vaccine-developing and -manufacturing companies. They have taken full risks in the development and production of the vaccine even before it has been approved. The development and approval of a vaccine within just under one year is unprecedented in history and testifies to the high innovative power of competition in the social market economy.
Vaccinate workers as soon as possible
Due to the initially limited vaccine availability, it is right to first grant access to vaccines to those persons who are at particularly high risk of severe or fatal courses of COVID-19 disease, who are exposed to an increased risk of infection and who contribute to the maintenance of public life. In an economic system based on the division of labour, however, a very large number of professionals perform an indispensable task in coping with the consequences of the pandemic. It must therefore be in everyone's interest to ensure that those in employment can be vaccinated as quickly as possible, as soon as those entitled to priority vaccination under the Coronavirus Vaccination Ordinance have been vaccinated. Germany's prosperity and the functioning of our social system are based above all on the work of the people who live here. Therefore, everything possible must be done to ensure that as many employees as possible can work and are protected from infection.
Exploit all options to make more vaccine available quickly
For this reason, too, all possibilities must be exhausted so that as much vaccine as possible can be made available as quickly as possible. Against this background, the measures initiated to this end - e.g. the expansion of production capacities at the German site and the better and more efficient exploitation and distribution of existing vaccine quantities - are to be welcomed.
Good communication and uniform organization essential for success
However, the provision of sufficient vaccine by the federal government is only half the battle. Now the states must also do their homework and ensure smooth and efficient vaccination. In addition to clear communication, this also includes simple and uncomplicated access routes for those willing to be vaccinated. It is completely incomprehensible why the central portal for telephone and electronic booking of vaccination appointments, which was already made available and financed by the federal government in December, is not used in all federal states. Prompt vaccinations must not fail due to slow administration.