The Corona pandemic and its management are a heavy burden for people in Germany and worldwide. Since the outbreak of the crisis, society and politics in our country have done many things right. The spread of the virus was initially slowed down. An overload of our health care system has been prevented so far. The economic and social consequences have so far been kept in check. Since October, the number of infections has risen sharply again. If we do not quickly get the current pandemic under control, the risks are considerable: for the health and lives of many people, their economic existence, but also for social coexistence.
A large majority in our country supports the decisive action of politics. The principle that each and every individual must take responsibility for the other also continues to meet with broad approval. At the same time, however, the acceptance of blanket answers is declining. Increasingly, the challenge is to find differentiated solutions that are understood and accepted in the longer term. This requires a lively democratic debate and an open social discourse.
People's willingness to act in solidarity cannot be decreed. But solidarity can be strengthened through open, democratic debate. If fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals and social life are restricted, this must not only be scientifically well justified; such measures must also be reasonable, proportionate and democratically legitimised.
And it must continue to be ensured that all those who fear for their economic existence because of the restrictions can rely on the state to support them.
Fears and worries are understandable in this difficult situation, criticism and doubts about decisions made can be justified. However, no one should claim to exercise their freedom at the expense of others. Those who use misinformation and conspiracy theories to undermine the willingness to show solidarity are endangering our democracy and putting the health of many people at risk.
As the "Alliance for Cosmopolitanism", we call for considerate, level-headed action and a greater willingness to engage in dialogue. As part of a broad social alliance, we want to contribute to this. We are committed to open democratic discourse, solidarity and social cohesion. We are united by the conviction that one's own freedom ends at the latest where the health and lives of others are endangered.
Together, the people of our country will succeed in containing the spread of the virus and in absorbing the consequences of the crisis with solidarity.