Increase permeability in the education sector
Access to education must not depend on social background. Our education system must therefore become even more permeable. Everyone should have the chance to develop their individual skills. After all, bright minds are the central resource for our country's innovative strength and prosperity.
Gerhard F. Braun, Member of the BDA Executive Committee, Chairman of the Expert Committee on Education, Vocational Training of the BDA and BDI

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A lack of social and structural permeability in the education system hinders the development of all potentials and endangers the securing of skilled labour. The BDA is convinced that no educational path should become a dead end. We need bridges and transitions between all areas of education.
Enable in-service learning - improve credit transfer
Promote permeability in both directions
Permeability means not only pathways from vocational education to higher education - but also from higher education to vocational education. This is important not only for dropouts who take up dual training after dropping out and for whom there are also attractive offers in higher vocational education. For example, it is possible for drop-outs with at least 90 ECTS credits and two years of work experience to take the advanced training examination directly to become a commercial specialist.
Vocational training is also attractive for university graduates with a degree. In this regard, all parties involved - universities, companies, VET stakeholders - have a duty to provide more information about the possibility of shortening the training period or entering vocational education and training directly instead of undergoing training. Successful examples are the architect who, after completing her studies, takes a qualification examination to become a building energy consultant at the Chamber of Crafts and Trades (HWK), the business administration graduate who takes the further training examination to become an accountant, or the graduate of a pedagogy course who completes further training to become a vocational pedagogue.