Berlin, 9 February 2021. Employer President Dulger explains: "From the employers' point of view, it would be incomprehensible to continue the restrictive measures without finally recognising a clear and rule-based opening scenario that is also supported by a broad majority. Many companies in Germany lack any planning horizon. And many companies have already reached the point where they have to cut jobs, many are on the verge of doing so. Germany is facing decisive weeks that will determine our future and economic competitiveness.
Having overcome the shortage of vaccine supply, employers can also contribute with their company doctors to complement the state vaccination structure and make an important contribution to achieving the vaccination targets. We need a free-market Germany plan - not emergency management fantasies. We employers want to engage with policymakers as soon as possible on a strategy that responsibly links lowering infection rates and lowering insolvencies. As employers' associations, we are ready for dialogue.