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26. November 2020

Dr. Rainer Dulger elected President of the Employers’ Association

Dr. Rainer Dulger was today elected President of the Confederation of German Employers' Associations (BDA). The BDA's General Meeting in Berlin voted in a secret ballot to give him its confidence for a two-year term of office without any dissenting votes. Rainer Dulger succeeds Ingo Kramer, who has been President of the BDA since November 2013.
26. November 2020

German Employer Award for Education for four educational institutions

With the German Employers' Award for Education, the Confederation of German Employers' Associations (BDA) rewards outstanding achievements in educational work. The prize is supported by Deutsche Telekom AG and Deutsche Bahn AG. The prize is awarded in the categories of early childhood, school, vocational and university education and is endowed with 10,000 euros each.
20. November 2020

STEM gap narrows as Corona crisis hits October 2020

STEM gap reduces due to Corona crisis in October 2020 - but in the long term there is a threat of a significant worsening of the shortage of STEM workers. The economic slump associated with the Corona crisis is also making itself felt in the STEM sector (mathematics, information technology, natural sciences, technology).
16. November 2020

Federal proposals would cripple businesses

The President of the German Employers' Association, Ingo Kramer, declares in a letter to the Federal Chancellor, the Head of the Federal Chancellery and the Heads of Government of the Federal States: "As a citizen and as the President of the German Employers' Association, I was horrified to read in the proposed resolution for the video conference of the Federal Chancellor with the Heads of Government of the Federal States that disproportionate and generally undermining measures are to be taken to reduce the infection level of COVID-19.
16. November 2020

Seeking dialogue, promoting acceptance, practising solidarity

An appeal by the "Alliance for Cosmopolitanism, Solidarity, Democracy and the Rule of Law - against Intolerance, Misanthropy and Violence" on the occasion of the Corona Crisis. The Corona pandemic and its management are a heavy burden for people in Germany and worldwide. Since the outbreak of the crisis, society and politics in our country have done many things right.
11. November 2020

Presentation of the annual report of the German Council of Economic Experts

On the occasion of the annual report of the Council of Economic Experts presented today, the Confederation of German Employers' Associations states: Of course, the German economy hopes that the Council of Economic Experts is correct in its forecast and that the economy will not crash as badly as feared this year.