German Employer Award for Education

Education is our most important resource. That is why we employers are continuously and sustainably committed to improving education in Germany with our own initiatives and concepts. The German Employer Award for Education has been a central component of this commitment for over 20 years.

With annually changing focal points, the German Employer Award for Education is presented each year to a daycare center, a school, a vocational school and a university whose successful work contributes to the improvement of our education system and can serve as a role model for other institutions.
With the German Employer Award for Education, the BDA wants to make outstanding achievements visible. We want to motivate teachers in their work and help to spread successful concepts and examples of application.
The call for entries for the German Employer Award for Education 2020 was:
Geht nicht - gibt's nicht! Educational institutions demonstrate and promote problem-solving competence
The prize was awarded in four categories:
  • Early childhood education
  • School education
  • Vocational training
  • Higher education
The award winners are selected by a jury of education experts from the worlds of business, science, foundations and politics.
The German Employer Award for Education is supported by Deutsche Bahn AG and Deutsche Telekom AG. It is endowed with € 10,000 in each category.

12. November 2020

Employer Award for Education

10. November 2020


9. November 2020

Education 4.0

6. November 2020

Education policy