News at a glance

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14. February 2024

The education system must convey the joy of teaching and learning: Achievement is worthwhile!

Employer President Dr. Rainer Dulger explains the launch of the "Future Mission Education"...
9. February 2024

Resistance from member states shows: EU supply chain directive is unacceptable

Commenting on the postponed vote on the EU Supply Chain Directive, BDA Managing Director Steffen Kampeter ...
8. February 2024

Political agreement on the Platform Work Directive: employment status must be determined in accordance with national law

Chief Executive Steffen Kampeter on the provisional political agreement reached today by EU negotiators on the Platform Work Directive ...
29. January 2024

Joint statement by the social partners BDA and DGB against right-wing extremism

In a joint statement, the Confederation of German Employers' Associations and the German Trade Union Confederation speak out against right-wing extremism...
24. January 2024

Irregular strikes harm the country

Employer President Dr. Rainer Dulger explains the GDL strike...
15. January 2024
