News at a glance

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2. November 2023

Supply significantly higher than demand – training opportunities for young people guaranteed

Employer President Dr. Rainer Dulger comments on today's assessment of the training market....
17. March 2023

More competitiveness for Germany as a business location

The Confederation of German Employers' Associations explains the Whistleblower Protection Act...
13. January 2023

Corona is part of our new normality

BDA Managing Director Steffen Kampeter comments on the changed quarantine rules and the ever-decreasing mask requirements in local and long-distance transport...
20. December 2022

The statements of the Federal Minister of Labor lack respect for the achievements of companies

Employers' President Dr. Rainer Dulger comments on the unjustified criticism of the Minister of Labour and the pension debate...
15. December 2022

German government must stop trilogue result on EU pay transparency directive

BDA Managing Director Steffen Kampeter comments on the preliminary trilogue result on an EU pay transparency directive...
23. November 2022

MINT Autumn Report

The "MINT Autumn Report" study shows that the labor shortage in the MINT sector (mathematics, IT, natural sciences, technology) remains at a high level despite the war in Ukraine and the associated economic slowdown.