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20. August 2021

Joint vaccination appeal by employers’ president Dulger and DGB chairman Hoffmann

We must be careful not to squander what we have achieved. We must not be satisfied with the current vaccination rate....
10. August 2021

Bundestag election campaign must not be carried out on the backs of employers

Commenting on today's results of the federal-state talks, the BDA...
5. July 2021

Joint appeal by employers’ president Dr. Rainer Dulger and DGB chairman Reiner Hoffmann

Do not slacken in vaccinating and testing. Out of deep concern that we are gambling away what we have achieved, we are now jointly addressing all employers and employees in Germany...
5. July 2021

BDA offers “Week of Parental Work in Career Orientation

In the "Summer of Vocational Training", the BDA, as a partner of the Alliance for Initial and Continuing Training, is conducting a week of "Parental Work in Vocational Orientation" from 5 to 9 July 2021 together with SCHULEWIRTSCHAFT...
30. June 2021

We can’t afford to lose apprenticeship years because of Corona.

Commenting on today's job and training market figures, Employers' Association President Dr. Rainer Dulger...
14. June 2021

The impending record increase in health insurance premiums must be prevented

Regarding a possible record deficit in the public health insurance system (according to a study by the Iges Institute), employers' president Dr. Rainer Dulger...